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- Customers To Wear Masks When Visiting Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Pharmacies and Malls
Customers To Wear Masks When Visiting Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Pharmacies and Malls
11 April 2020
Singapore, Saturday, 11 April 2020
With effect from 12 April 2020, all customers visiting supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies and shopping malls must wear masks to safeguard their own health and well-being, as well as that of other customers and staff working at these premises. Those not wearing masks would be refused entry.
Over the past few days, supermarkets have put up signages to encourage patrons to put on masks when shopping within the premises. The cooperation of all customers, as well as the abovementioned premises will be required.
Since the elevated set of safe distancing measures were put in place on 7 April 2020, premises such as supermarkets have already implemented measures such as queue markers and regulated entry to ensure that the number of customers in-store remain manageable.
ESG and STB recommend members of the public to:
a. Visit supermarkets, convenience stores and pharmacies on weekdays or during non-peak hours on weekends, whenever possible.
b. Make their purchases quickly and refrain from lingering at the abovementioned premises before and after items have been purchased.
c. Refrain from bringing along family members to the supermarkets, especially the young and elderly, in order to reduce congestion.
d. Consider visiting other outlets if the ones they frequent tend to be crowded. The public may also refer to http://www.spaceout.gov.sg to find out crowd levels in malls and supermarkets.
Customers must wear masks when visiting the abovementioned premises. The supermarkets, convenience stores, pharmacies and shopping malls have the right to turn away those who do not wear masks in order to protect the health and well-being of others on the premises.
ESG, STB and other government agencies will continue to step up enforcement efforts during the “circuit breaker” period. We urge members of the public to practise safe distancing and be socially responsible.
For media enquiries, please contact:
Enterprise Singapore
Cheng Kiat Loon
Deputy Director
Corporate Communications
M: +65 9799 0904
E: cheng_kiat_loon@enterprisesg.gov.sg
Singapore Tourism Board
Kimberly Spykerman
Assistant Director
M: +65 9010 3684
E: kimberly_spykerman@stb.gov.sg
About Enterprise Singapore
Enterprise Singapore (ESG) is the government agency championing enterprise development. We work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise.
We also support the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups, and build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.
Visit www.enterprisesg.gov.sg for more information.
About the Singapore Tourism Board
The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) is the lead development agency for tourism, one of Singapore’s key economic sectors. Together with industry partners and the community, we shape a dynamic Singapore tourism landscape. We bring the Passion Made Possible brand to life by differentiating Singapore as a vibrant destination that inspires people to share and deepen their passions.
More: www.stb.gov.sg or www.visitsingapore.com
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